業務一覧 | 当事務所報酬料(消費税込み) | 印紙代等 |
在留資格認定証明書 Certificate of Eligibility |
¥110,000~ | – |
在留資格の変更 Change of Status of Residence |
¥110,000~ | ¥4,000 |
在留資格の更新 Extension of Period of Stay |
¥44,000~ (転職あり¥88,000~) |
¥4,000 |
永住許可申請 Permanent Residence |
¥132,000~ (簡易永住=日配からの申請¥121,000~) |
¥8,000 |
資格外活動の許可 Permission for Part-time job (within 28 hours a week) |
¥33,000~ (更新と同時申請は¥11,000~) |
– |
就労資格証明書 Certificate of Authorization for Employment |
¥77,000~ (転職のケース) |
¥900 |
在留資格取得許可申請 Permission to acquire status of residence |
¥33,000~ | – |
再入国許可 Re-entry Permit |
¥16,500 | ¥3,000 ¥6,000数次 |
在留特別許可 Special Permission for Residence |
¥275,000~ | |
帰化許可申請 Naturalization |
¥176,000~ (簡易帰化) |
国際結婚手続き Documentation for International Marriage |
¥55,000~ | |
離婚協議書作成 Documentation for Divorce Agreement |
¥55,000~ | |
会社定款作成・認証 Certification of the Articles of Incorporation |
¥55,000~ | ¥40,000 |
相談料(60分) Consultation (60 min) |
¥5,500~(ご依頼頂く場合は無料) | |
出張料 travel expenses |
¥6,600(片道1時間以内) ¥11,000~(片道1時間以上) |
遺言書作成・遺産分割協議書 Will and Testament, Agreement on Division of Inheritance |
別途お見積りします |